Why is it you can be the easiest going person? accomplish much, have respect of your coworkers but will be attacked verbally by a few. They will always say: " They think your really smart but IMO your not!" They will do this in front of people. Could be in your hobbies, work knowledge, etc. What causes that certain achiever to be picked on over and over again? Seems like I can flush people out of the wood work. Seems like I can't get everyone to like me. What makes certain personalities to attack some verbally in groups? I enjoyed reading all your blogs and wisdom.
Why is it you can be the easiest going person? accomplish much, have respect of your coworkers but will be attacked verbally by a few. They will always say: " They think your really smart but IMO your not!" They will do this in front of people. Could be in your hobbies, work knowledge, etc. What causes that certain achiever to be picked on over and over again? Seems like I can flush people out of the wood work. Seems like I can't get everyone to like me. What makes certain personalities to attack some verbally in groups? I enjoyed reading all your blogs and wisdom.